Saturday, June 21, 2008

23 - The B(o)MB

FYI, not really the bomb but I'm having my Bone Marrow Biopsy this Monday morning. If anyone has some leftover Morphine, just email it over!!


Well the BMB is done and actually went a lot easier than last time, still not quite comfortable, but definitely faster and less painfull than last time. Per the nurse they had some new needles that they thought were sharper hence it was easier to get through the bone, whatever it was, it was better. Now hopefully the results are good and I'll only have to go through this once a year from here on out!

1 comment:

Bas Noij said...

Hey Rob, Jill, Ella and Isanne!

We are back from a 3 week trip to Canada and Northern USA (Washington state). Hope you guys are all well. We have set up the BBQ for you so fly over and bring some aged steaks ;)

Sunny regards from Bonaire.

Ellie and Bas.