Monday, January 28, 2008

10 - The Next Step

My sister has taken her blood test in Holland and it has been sent to The City of Hope, so hopefully in a week or so we’ll now if she’s a match! She’s actually visiting with her husband in 2 weeks for a couple of days, so we’re all really looking forward to that. Hopefully we’ll be able to pop a bottle of bubbly if she’s a match, otherwise we’ll just have to stick with Heineken!

In about a month from now we’ll be doing a blood test on me that also gets sent to the City of Hope for analysis (the technical name has momentarily escaped me), and they should be able to tell better how the Leukemia is reacting to the drugs. Hopefully we’ll see some signs of progress. The next bone marrow biopsy is about 4 months away……… can’t wait…………………………

1 comment:

Rhonda Radliff said...

Hey Buddy!
Congrats on the move. It's a chore for sure, but it's great to get it done and celebrate a new house and new chapter in life.

Good luck on the match (HLA typing is what you were trying to remember I bet). My brothers and sister aren't a match, but I love them anyway. Besides they are lots older than me, so I should be respectful of their old age (no, they don't read blogs...). haha.

I got my PCR test back today since I'm in a clinical trial. They test more often (bone marrows every 3 months). Yipeee. Anyway, the Sprycel is giving the CML a left hook and boxing out some of those evil PH+ cells. However... it wasn't a total knockout like I had hoped. Yeah, after two months, I wanted it all gone, but it is at least moving in the right direction.

Bone pain totally sucks, and yes, I haven't watched any late night TV in a while. Hopefully when I hit the big ZERO of remission I will celebrate by trying to stay up all night (as if).

Keep writing, and I'll try to write more soon on the 'raw food way of life.' It seems to help.

Cheers and ta,