Well it was Ella’s 4th Birthday yesterday, boy was she ever excited. This was really the first birthday she realized was coming AND…. there were more gifts to be had, really the most important bit. So the previous night we went to ToysRus (sad to say she can’t read a word, but the ToysRus sign posts no problem to her illiteracy), and she got to pick out a bicycle. The Dora one was the favorite by far, though mommy & me liked a different one way better, but due to the tires being under inflated (hence it being really hard to ride in the store), Ella’s choice was quickly made. At check out we had the option to pay $10 for assembly, why I didn’t take this option I don’t know, but at 9:00 PM Ella was finally able to ride her new bike (for 10 minutes and then straight to bed!). The cutest thing was that she kept asking throughout the day if it was still her birthday. Anyway, this Sunday will be her actual party at the local gymnastics place (we didn’t want to deal with the party mess this year) for a couple of hours and then the gift giving will finally be done for a while.
Due to my Dutchness the gifts start pouring in on December 5th when Sinterklaas comes to town (this is where your Santa stems from) and celebrates his birthday. Sinterklaas is a Catholic Saint who distributes gifts to the kids who have been good all year (sounds familiar) and his helpers (Politically very incorrectly called Black Piets) throw gingersnaps and candies to the kids. Great Holiday really and it’s actually celebrated here in SoCal each year by the local Dutch School, which Ella started attending in November. So between Sinterklaas, Santa, gifts being sent by mail from Holland by various people, my dad visiting with gifts, Sunday’s “Happy Breakfasts” (consist of a bag with sandwich, fruit, drink and a 99ct store toy so we can sleep in for an hour or so), and her Birthday, we are glad the gift giving is over and done with. Note to self, try not to have a baby in December/early January again.
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